Mood over the Salmon.

Mood over the Salmon.
513 vues
Transféré par Derek Deredin le 11 Sep 2017 à Miramichi

Had a weather day while working in the area and took a chance that it might lift enough to get a few photographs of the salmon glacier.

Tagué: stewart bc

3 Commentaires

Derek Deredin posté 2017-09-14 12:18am

You have to go through Hyder Alaska then back into BC up the Granduc rd.

Derek Deredin posté 2017-09-14 12:18am

You have to go through Hyder Alaska then back into BC up the Granduc rd.

Chris Anderberg posté 2017-09-12 4:36pm

Is that just past "Bear Glacier" heading towards Stewart, BC ? Awesome country up there - beautiful capture regardless :)


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